Dates, deadlines and fees
The examinations of the Association of Average Adjusters are held in late January/early February (F4), March (All modules except F4) and October (A1 & A2 only) each year. Exam booking will open approximately three months before the exam date; members will be advised by email that the bookings are open. Please note that for the online Associate examinations, the number of exam slots available are limited by the TestReach capacity to provide remote invigilation. If such a situation arises, slots will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.
Associateship Modules
Module A1: The Marine Insurance Act 1906, the Insurance Act 2015 and related principles of insurance
Module A2: Hull and Cargo claims
Fellowship Modules
Module F1: General Average, Salvage, and Carriage of Goods by Sea
Module F2: Hull & Machinery, Loss of Hire, War Risks, Cargo
Module F3: Collisions, Recoveries, Freight
Module F4: Practical adjustment paper
Please note that the syllabuses for all Modules* were last reviewed and updated in October 2021. The changes made to the (previous) January 2020 versions are highlighted for the convenience of Candidates.
* There is no syllabus for Module F4
- It is a requirement for candidates taking Fellowship modules to have passed their Associateship and to have a paid-up subscription.
- An Associate will become a Senior Associate upon passing Module F1 plus either Module F2 or Module F3.
- Upon becoming a Senior Associate, a candidate who still has to pass either F2 or F3, will normally be able to register to sit Module F4 on condition that they register to sit the 'missing' Module in the same examination session (normally held in February/March each year).
- The Fellowship qualification is awarded to candidates who pass all four F-level Modules.
Current examination dates and fees
Please note that the Association is a not-for-profit organisation. The fees for the examinations are intended to cover costs only.
With effect from October 2024, the fees for Candidates sitting our examinations (whether taken in the UK or overseas) will be as follows: Associateship modules (A1 and A2) will be charged at £375 per module, Fellowship modules F1, F2 and F3 at £450 per module and the final Practical module F4 at £700. Any locally applicable invigilation/exam centre costs are payable separately by the candidate.
All exam fees should be paid 6 weeks prior to the exam date; for the exams scheduled during week commencing 9 March 2026, that is the relevant date during week commencing 26 January 2026. The Association reserves the right to impose a cancellation charge in the event of late cancellation being:
- 50% if cancelled between 42 and 28 days before the exam
- 100% if cancelled 28 days before the exam
- 100% in the case of non-attendance.
All applications to sit the exams are subject to the Association of Average Adjuster’s Terms and Conditions. Copies are also available on request.
Examination venues
Modules A1 and A2 will be held on a virtual platform (the guidelines issued in October 2021 covering IT requirements etc can be downloaded from this page) . For those exams to be held in-person, arrangements will be made for candidates based in the UK to sit the examinations in London and Liverpool. Arrangements will also be made for overseas candidates to sit the examinations in various locations such as Mumbai, Jakarta, Athens, Hong Kong and Singapore. Exam sittings in other centres can be arranged. In all cases candidates may be asked to pay the exam centre’s local charges in addition to the basic examination fees (see above).
Note: All candidates are required to be, or to become, Subscribers to the Association.. Please visit Join the Association and complete the form which will automatically be sent to the Administration Department of the AAA.
Applications & Deadlines
The deadlines for applications will be as follows:
- For the F4 exam the deadline is 30 November of the previous year.
- For the October 2025 Associate exams, the application deadlines are as follows:
. A1 Module Examination - 20 August 2025.
. A2 Module Examination - 21 August 2025.
- For the March 2026 Fellowship exams, the application deadlines are as follows:
. F1/F2/F3 Module Examinations - 12 January 2026.
All prospective candidates are requested to download and complete the Application Form and email it to both the Secretary and to the Association's Secretariat as follows:
- Judy Houlden: [email protected] (contactable on +44 7971 461964)
- AAA Secretariat: [email protected]