
Module F1: General Average, Salvage and Carriage of Goods by Sea

Module F2: Hull & Machinery / Loss of Hire / War Risks / Cargo

Module F3: Collisions / Recoveries / Freight

Module F4: Practical Adjustment

These modules require a detailed knowledge of their subjects and the pass mark is 75%. The papers for Modules F1, F2, and F3 are of 3 hours duration. In addition to the core topics, a number of questions on miscellaneous matters are included, as detailed in the respective syllabuses which may be accessed from this page.

The Practical Adjustment paper F4 lasts up to 7 hours and texts of the York Antwerp Rules and standard clauses etc are provided.

Please note the following:

  • It is a requirement for candidates taking Fellowship modules to have passed their Associateship and to have a paid-up subscription
  • An Associate will become a Senior Associate upon passing Module F1 plus either Module F2 or Module F3.
  • Upon becoming a Senior Associate, a candidate who still has to pass either F2 or F3, will normally be able to register to sit Module F4 on condition that they register to sit the 'missing' Module in the same examination session (normally held in February/March each year).
  • The Fellowship qualification is awarded to candidates who pass all four F-level Modules.

AAA Fellowship Modules F1, F2 and F3

It has been suggested that candidates studying for the AAA Fellowship Modules F1, F2 and F3 might benefit from active support from the Association.

Following internal discussions, the Fellows have agreed that the following resources should be offered to Candidates who have registered to sit any of the above mentioned Modules:

1 – Assistance in the establishment of Candidates’ own study groups, linking with other Candidates.  The AAA is happy to support that idea by assisting in putting  Candidates in touch with each other to assist in reaching the common goal.  If  you are planning to take any exams during 2024 and would like us to assist, please email the Secretary, Judy Houlden [email protected] stating which exam Module(s) you are preparing for. 

Please also confirm that you agree that we may share your contact details with others for this purpose.

2 - The establishment of an annual workshop, towards the end of January, lasting approx. 2 hours, using a video-conference format (i.e. Teams or Zoom) during which Candidates will have a chance to discuss the model answers for 2 previously set questions and then benefit from some discussion, under the general guidance of a subject-specific Mentor.

Here is a brief outline of the intended programme for the annual workshops:

  1. Mentors: F1= Miles Duncan / F2 = Paul Silver / F3 = Matthew Cao.
  2. Each workshop will be planned to last 2 hours. Target timing = end of January each year.
  3. Each Mentor will ask the signed-up Candidates to prepare in advance and submit their answers to 2 questions relating to the subject-matter of the Module in question.
  4. During the workshop - discussion of suggested answers in open forum.
  5. Other matters arising – questions / doubts could be advised in advance or “live”.

General points concerning the workshops:

  1. Given the nature of this intended support framework, Candidates must formally undertake in advance not to disclose the questions / discussions / model answers to/with other persons as, if such information were disclosed, it would clearly lessen the value of subsequent workshops.
  2. We will offer to Candidates the opportunity to provide feedback.

If you are interested in participating in such a workshop, please contact the Secretary, Judy Houlden [email protected] stating which exam Module(s) you are preparing for. 

3 - Finally, we are now offering a new resource facility ProView to our members, which provides access to four key marine publications:


  • Arnould: Law of Marine Insurance and Average - 21st edition 2024 (Sweet & Maxwell)
  • Kennedy and Rose on the Law of Salvage - 10th edition 2021 (Sweet & Maxwell)
  • Lowndes & Rudolf: The Law of General Average and York-Antwerp Rules - 15th edition 2018 (Sweet & Maxwell)
  • Marsden and Gault on Collisions at Sea - 15th edition 2021 (Sweet & Maxwell)


These publications will be particularly useful for members sitting the Fellowship examinations. The cost is £60 (inclu VAT) and is for a 12-month subscription, which can be renewed at the end of the subscription period (subject to licence availability). If you are interested in these resources, please click on the link below. 



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